Tuesday, February 25, 2014


the open mic went okay, I did 4 jokes, 2 landed and 2 didn't.  I know I should do more, I didn't have heartburn, so I guess that problem is gone.  The stage fright needs a little work but once I get over that, i'll start to improve.  I'm taking next week off.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


this week's open mic was a train wreck.  I got laughs I think on all five jokes but it was light laughter and I believe that was because of my nervousness.  I didn't have heartburn.

I think it will be the last time I use keywords to remember jokes, i'll probably still use that at home, to help me memorize jokes.  An example is using the word 'Lance Armstrong' to help me remember the joke: Lance Armstrong isn't a habitual liar he's a romantic.  The reason my mind went blank on a couple of the jokes and I didn't give the right punch line on at least one joke and I became the joke because of my mind going blank.  Trust me, it wasn't as bad as it sounds and honestly being laughed at wasn't offensive to me.  I would rather be laughed at then booed or having people tell me I sucked.  I was more angered at myself for not performing better but it was good it happened.  Now I will bring the jokes with me.

ps. over the weekend I wrote a 6 paragraph bit about a guy in Iraq who was a bomb teacher and blew himself and his class up, I have to write the last paragraph and it will be finished. i'm going to post 2-3 paragraphs of it on the comedy blog.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


my performance was a lot better and I didn't have heartburn.  I did three jokes, all of them got laughs.

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