Tuesday, September 27, 2016

9 26 16

well I went to a funeral in the morning for a high school friend and had a set that was basically the same material as the 21st the biggest difference was the crowd size.  the crowd was a lot smaller at lizard lounge.  I got some laughs but again I'm starting to realize that everyone's favorite dirty lounge doesn't get the final say on whether I'm funny or the material I perform is funny.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

the nervous anthem

I had a great time at this once a month open mic.  I was fairly nervous, stage fright my constant foe.  The new material I did worked fairly well, I screwed up jokes because of the nerves and wasted a couple minutes trying to find my joke list.  For once I wasn't attacked for my material, it was refreshing.  Personally when people attack me its shows their insecurities and that their not man enough to talk to me about the material I do.  If you think attacking me is going to advance your career your an idiot.