Tuesday, February 21, 2017

main stage

set list no new material

So they had the open mic on the main stage of the chameleon club.  The last time they did it I missed it.  So it was really cool and a big thrill.  Since some day I want to be successful enough to do theatre performances, granted its not a theatre but it was still cool and it had that vibe.

I switched with raj belani a comic based in the nyc metro area, a nice guy.  Everybody thought I was being skipped.

I talked about growing up in the city for little and then went to the set.  I did half the set with out looking up the set list and I screwed up some of the jokes but hopefully soon the nerves will dissipate.

Next week I hope to have one of my new jokes memorized.

Ps.  In the picture if their would have been new material, the name of the joke would have a number beside it instead of a letter.