Tuesday, December 2, 2014

year in review

performances: 12
friends: 1

I think I have improved I think my material is a lot better than when I started last year. 

I want to thank jack for coming to my second performance on the 16th of December of last year.  I hope more people realize the value of coming and seeing me tell jokes.  I can show jokes to people but that isn't really accountability because I normally change them.  So I hope people come more because I plan to be more consistent this coming year.  Plus it is a way to honor my gift and talent.  Plus it would be helpful to hear opinions from people I trust on things I could improve on, etcetera.

my goal in the coming year is to double or triple my performances.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


so I finally got the light, which was a relief.  That means I did over 4 minutes of material.  My set was okay.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I went to this open mic, not expecting anybody to come because why would anybody come and see me do comedy.  9% that's the percentage of times (1/11) that my friends have come to see me, its their lost not mine. 

I thought my set was weird because a lot of the material with the exception of the midget bit and a bit about an attempted car robbery.  I had done before and the reaction was better the last time.  oh well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

10th performance


The day started out good with the Phillies no hitting the smelly braves.

I don't know the reason but I was so nervous this week, I was even nervous after the set was over which was really weird.  I think, for some reason, I was more nervous this week then when I started in December.

I did the most material during my set, that I have ever done (a full page), everything went good, in two weeks i'm going to do two bits that I did this week but i'm going to do the complete versions of them.  I'm also going to cut the one sentence from the one bit I did (cowboys & Indians), I added it during the week, I think its overkill.  what was the sentence?  you'll never know unless you were at the open mic.

in addition, I'm going to start 'researching' my tech school experiences since I don't have the greatest memory.  I'm going to start sending messages to my friends, so I can build that into my act.  I have two things written so far.  Now that I look back on that period I wish I would have written more stuff down.

I want to thank everybody who supports me whether you come to see me or not.

fan page:


Tuesday, August 19, 2014


my evil plan has worked!!!!!!!!!!!

my set went really well last night.  Rewriting my bit "cowboys and indians" proved smart since it got the most laughter, its amazing how you can use insults that people said to you and turn it into comedy.  In addition, my timing was a lot better.

so come see me tell JOKES

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I did a bunch of new material, I got laughs but I guess because it was 4 months since my last performance, my timing is off, so I'm not sure how to judge some of the jokes I did.  I screwed up one joke which I did last week.  A new comic came up to me and complemented my set, second week in a row.  The joke I screwed up last week I did correctly this week which is about a lady in Johnstown who tried to sell me and another guy her drugs after she walked out of a pharmacy.  I think i'm going to try the original ending, the current ending is that she's a grandmother.

then after I was done I drove over to micks pub and got something to eat since I was hungry ($5.99 for burger & fries).  I sat in the 'bar' portion of the pub.  The one guy sitting across from me started whining about having poor people in his neighborhood, apparently they didn't fit the 250-275K house price.  They apparently moved out and he should have just started singing happy songs.  When people act like snobs but their completely blind to it, it amuses me.

ps. I'm doing something next week, so anybody who cares, I'll perform again on august 18th.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I thought my set went okay.  The new material went over fine.

I was a little nervous but it didn't really affect the performance since the last time I performed was over 4 months ago.

I wish my friends would support me.  I'll be there on august 4th. come check me out

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I did my best set, I got a bunch of laughs and I started to improv in the jokes, this is very important.  I'm very good at improv so it is very exciting for me to see that I have started to progress.  I still have stage fright but I have it a lot less.  I did 8-9 jokes.  I only skipped two jokes, come out and support me on the 24th or 31st.

I also started talking about Johnstown which i'm planning on eventually turning that part of my life into a long bit.

joke of the week (I skipped this one)
CNN - The place where you get neutered news.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


the open mic went okay, I did 4 jokes, 2 landed and 2 didn't.  I know I should do more, I didn't have heartburn, so I guess that problem is gone.  The stage fright needs a little work but once I get over that, i'll start to improve.  I'm taking next week off.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


this week's open mic was a train wreck.  I got laughs I think on all five jokes but it was light laughter and I believe that was because of my nervousness.  I didn't have heartburn.

I think it will be the last time I use keywords to remember jokes, i'll probably still use that at home, to help me memorize jokes.  An example is using the word 'Lance Armstrong' to help me remember the joke: Lance Armstrong isn't a habitual liar he's a romantic.  The reason my mind went blank on a couple of the jokes and I didn't give the right punch line on at least one joke and I became the joke because of my mind going blank.  Trust me, it wasn't as bad as it sounds and honestly being laughed at wasn't offensive to me.  I would rather be laughed at then booed or having people tell me I sucked.  I was more angered at myself for not performing better but it was good it happened.  Now I will bring the jokes with me.

ps. over the weekend I wrote a 6 paragraph bit about a guy in Iraq who was a bomb teacher and blew himself and his class up, I have to write the last paragraph and it will be finished. i'm going to post 2-3 paragraphs of it on the comedy blog.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


my performance was a lot better and I didn't have heartburn.  I did three jokes, all of them got laughs.

please join the fan page
