Tuesday, October 25, 2016

episode 40

my 40th performance

I had a great set, and for the first time I made it to the light (4 minutes) without looking at a notecard with the joke names.  This is a huge deal to me and I plan to build on it.  I ignored the insults after my set because it came from the same people who whine about my sets.  Plus they didn't say anything necessarily horrible.  I get it because I'm not a shallow comedian who thinks comedy is just about sex and saying 'fuck' as many times as possible in a comedic set even when it becomes redundant.  I become a target because I'm different.  I take it as a complement that people are talking about me afterwards, it doesn't matter to me if its good or bad.  I did 4 bits the newest one went off really well, I was going to record the set but at the last minute I decided against it because I thought it would be awkward to give somebody my camera right before my set.  When they weren't prepared for it.

fan page: matthew fulmer

Thursday, October 20, 2016

3 minute ninja


So I drove to this open mic expecting 5-7 and got 3 minutes, its 24 miles away from my house but I'm understanding.  I would call it an average performance and the video sound was horrible and the response wasn't great so I'm not planning on posting what was recorded.  I'm hoping it goes back to 5-7 minutes.  I also had the wrong start time which was annoying overall I left fairly annoyed because I would have prepared differently and used different jokes with the shorter time had I known ahead of time.  and yes nobody showed up but what else is new.  People lie to me all the time and tell me their going to come to my performances, thankfully that didn't happen in this case.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

an accomplished goal

I did the longest joke I've ever performed at close to 300 words and its was a train wreck but I got through the whole joke which was the goal.  I'll find out on the 19th if I need to fix anything because the lizard lounge doesn't have the final say on the jokes I write.  Personally I hate the venue but I'm stuck since I don't have a job.  Plus I'll have the joke fully memorized by then since I only had it partially memorized.