Tuesday, October 25, 2016

episode 40

my 40th performance

I had a great set, and for the first time I made it to the light (4 minutes) without looking at a notecard with the joke names.  This is a huge deal to me and I plan to build on it.  I ignored the insults after my set because it came from the same people who whine about my sets.  Plus they didn't say anything necessarily horrible.  I get it because I'm not a shallow comedian who thinks comedy is just about sex and saying 'fuck' as many times as possible in a comedic set even when it becomes redundant.  I become a target because I'm different.  I take it as a complement that people are talking about me afterwards, it doesn't matter to me if its good or bad.  I did 4 bits the newest one went off really well, I was going to record the set but at the last minute I decided against it because I thought it would be awkward to give somebody my camera right before my set.  When they weren't prepared for it.

fan page: matthew fulmer

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