Wednesday, December 2, 2015

year in review (year 2)

Performances: 5
total overall: 17
Friends: 0
Practice Performances: 1

This coming year should be exciting since I have a good foundation when it comes to material unlike last year and I've started to get consistent w/ performances.  Plus I figured out how to memorize my material which is important.  Plus, I have written so much new material.  I'm really excited and I hope I will start to get shows.  World watch out, I'm coming whether people like it or not.  I'm coming whether the secular comedy community welcomes me or insults me.  I've gotten use to the insults from other comics, its funny when people insult you but don't have the decency to talk to you about your material or style or the reasons for how I write comedy.

Ps. practice performances don't count towards the performances because I don't think my friends should get credit for seeing me perform in a place where they feel comfortable, i.e. my church.

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yr 1

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