Saturday, December 26, 2015


dec 23rd performance

20th performance

I had a pretty good set excluding dropping the f bomb and screwing up new jokes.  I like stubby's the host told everybody I have good material.  I like hosts who are positive.  So please friends if your free on a wed come check me out.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

note card boy

dec 21st performance

I came I conquered and I killed, that simple folks! I did new material and it went great.  3 cheers for me.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

dec 16 2015

So I went to my first comedy open mic at stubby's.  My set was okay, I'm still not convinced that I did 4 minutes even though I got the light because the amount of material isn't close to 4 minutes but who knows maybe I spaced out for a minute or 2.  I am planning on coming to this one regularly.  I screwed up the one joke.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

year in review (year 2)

Performances: 5
total overall: 17
Friends: 0
Practice Performances: 1

This coming year should be exciting since I have a good foundation when it comes to material unlike last year and I've started to get consistent w/ performances.  Plus I figured out how to memorize my material which is important.  Plus, I have written so much new material.  I'm really excited and I hope I will start to get shows.  World watch out, I'm coming whether people like it or not.  I'm coming whether the secular comedy community welcomes me or insults me.  I've gotten use to the insults from other comics, its funny when people insult you but don't have the decency to talk to you about your material or style or the reasons for how I write comedy.

Ps. practice performances don't count towards the performances because I don't think my friends should get credit for seeing me perform in a place where they feel comfortable, i.e. my church.

join the fan page

yr 1

Monday, November 30, 2015


November 26, 2015

So I performed some comedy for some friends at a thanksgiving meal, it was interesting.  Since it was a different type of crowd.  They laughed at different jokes than people laugh at, when I perform at comedy open mics. 

In addition, my comedy writing is fine, I don't need a baseless comment about it from a person who isn't a comic or a member of the church and who hasn't ever gone on a stage and performed original material.  The fact is if people don't laugh at one or more of my jokes at a church and it kills in a secular environment which is the case for most of the material I performed.  The problem isn't me or my writing its the audience.  My performing needs work not my writing.  Trust me my style is different from everybody else, and that will benefit me greatly in the future.  I was glad that the person who did this wasn't a regular attender at the church I attend and if it would have been somebody who goes to svc.  I would have talked to them instead of writing such a long post.

If this would have happened after a performance at a bar.  I would be more likely to listen.

I want to thank everybody who laughed and listened on thanksgiving.  I'm planning on doing this again in the future.

Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

comedy influences

john candy
chevy chase
david letterman
steve martin
jerry seinfeld
chris rock
jay leno
dave chappelle
gabriel iglesias

yea I don't believe in capitalization...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 16-2015

"So I invited over 80 people to this, nobody came, so what else is new. Guess what if I get successful and your not their in the beginning, supporting me and encouraging me. I certainly will not want a leech or a blood sucker who thinks its okay to jump on a train of success. When you weren't their when it was being built."
I want to thank Malinda who told me why she couldn't come and steve e. for marking that he was interested on the facebook event page.  The reason I used the fan page for creating the event is because its a way to follow my progress, plus so other people besides my friends could come.  I also want to thank Deana for liking the facebook status I made on Monday. 

My set went awesome, it was my best.  I was so nervous but you have to walk through that to get better.  I got the light.  I did two new bits that went great, it still amazes me that I write stuff that aren't jokes and people laugh at it.  I'm excited that my timing is improving.  Their was a huge difference from 2 weeks ago to this week.  I want to thank everybody for laughing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I did more material than I did last week, I keep skipping the one bit guess I'll have do that next week.  Anyways have a nice life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

15th performance

October 26, 2015

If you want to call it that... shortest set in history.  I gave up right after I started.  I'm going to do the same set I had for this week and perform it next week.  yep why create a new set when I was confident about the set before I went up.  The problem to me was how few people were in the audience.  I know its an excuse but I have a new bit that's close to a minute long and didn't feel that I would get an accurate picture of how a crowd would react to it by doing it in front of a really small crowd.

next milstone post will be at 25 performances
previous milestones

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Oct 12 2015

8 months ago I abandoned comedy, it wasn't my intention to do that but because of things related to work I could never come.  I am happy to say that I'm back doing comedy.  I think this performance was a fresh new start for me.

The performance started out with the mic falling apart, so I had to put it back together. Then, I did most of my set, I skipped one or two jokes, and screwed up one of them.  The good thing is I made the light which is my goal every week.  I realized afterwards that I have to do even more material next week because I doubt the mic will fall apart again. 

Practicing my set did work, I was less nervous.  So score one for me.


Saturday, February 7, 2015